Showing 13–23 of 23 results

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Flame Sculpture

Capturing the animated and hypnotic essence of a flame, Klove’s Flame Sculpture holds its own as a decorative item. The contemporary magnetism is enhanced by the simple confidence of meticulously crafted handblown glass. This sculpture is available in attractive shades of charcoal, gold and red.

13,570.0015,930.00 Select options

Crumpled Paper Vase

Allow the allure of amber to settle in your hearts as it shines through in this handblown glass object. Accentuated with strings of black beads, the amber hue lends unmistakable depth and richness to this paper vase.

KTL 09

Contemporary handblown glass table lamps

KTL 08

Contemporary handblown glass table lamps

KTL 07

Contemporary handblown glass table lamps

KTL 05

Contemporary handblown glass table lamps

KTL 04

Contemporary handblown glass table lamps

KTL 03

Contemporary handblown glass table lamps

KTL 02

Contemporary handblown glass table lamps

KTL 01

Contemporary handblown glass table lamps